
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Abominable Showmen

The House recently passed a new health care bill that was intended to not only repeal the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, but also replace it with an abomination that rips out everything good that the ACA provided, while lining the pockets of the wealthy and Big Business.  The House accomplished this sad specimen of legislation --- after much arm-twisting and prodding --- by four votes, and for the sole purpose of being able to claim  a "win." That's what it's all about nowadays.  It's about winning and losing.  It isn't about serving the people, writing legislation, or doing the job we elected them to do.  Spurred on by the computer age and by video games, the mentality of much of the public is now binary; like computers, they only understand black and white, off and on, yes and no, 1 and 0.  There is precious little middle ground anymore.  Everybody is categorized as being on "our side" or "their side."  Either embrace every sing

Welcome to the Zoo

This blog will be about political things. I'm a centrist by nature, meaning that I have views from both sides of the political spectrum.  Like most centrists, I examine the facts and make up my own mind,  I can see the other side's point of view, and  I respect the other side's right to that view, while disagreeing with it. I don't have a very high opinion of Congress, and that means both parties, and I have a very low opinion of the Executive Office in its current form.  Since Republicans are in charge, and since the state of things today is partisan gamesmanship, that means that the Republicans will get more attention. I created this blog, so I can post my opinions, such as they are, without the bother of trolls coming in and cluttering everything up with their hate, agendas, and need for attention.  Therefore, comments are moderated and probably won't ever appear, favorable or otherwise. In other words, this is basically read-only.  If that's a problem, go t